Taxi from Chisinau to Zhytomyr for ONLY 479 EUR (ALL IN Price!)


Chisinau Taxi from Chisinau to Zhytomyr

Distance Chisinau - Zhytomyr (Ukraine)

550 km

Travel time

Around 9 hours

Price of taxi from Chisinau to Zhytomyr

479  EUR

Price from Chisinau to Zhytomyr by minivan

749  EUR

Price from Chisinau to Zhytomyr by minibus

949  EUR

For Your convenience: You can also pay in USD, Ukrainian Hryvnias, UK Pounds, Canadian Dollars, AUD, CZK, HUF, BGN, PLN, MDL, AED, RON or in other currency upon prior agreement with us.

Taxi from Chisinau to Zhytomyr Partial prepayment is required for ALL international transfers!
The remaining amount can be paid to the driver upon arrival.
Please book your taxi from Chisinau to Zhytomyr in advance !
Should you have any further questions, please contact us anytime.

Please Watch Video Testimonials or read reviews from our happy clients!

If you arrive to Chisinau International Airport and require transfer from Chisinau Airport to Zhytomyr, please fill in Chisinau Airport transfer booking form, or contact us at the most convenient way.

Price of taxi from Zhytomyr to Chisinau is the same as taking taxi from Chisinau to Zhytomyr . If you need a taxi from Zhytomyr to Chisinau, please be sure to book your transfer from Zhytomyr to Chisinau at least 1 day in advance.

Advantages of booking taxi from Chisinau to Zhytomyr from Odessa Transfers Group are:

  • You will be sure that our English speaking driver will be waiting for you upon arrival
  • You will pay exact price that you will already know from your confirmation e-mail
  • You will be absolutely safe on your way from Chisinau to Zhytomyr
  • You will never have to pay any additional fees if your flight is delayed for any reason
  • You are guaranteed to get assistance from your driver with carrying your luggage
  • You do not have to prepay anything right now at the time you make booking. You can pay the agreed amount to driver upon your comfortable arrival in Zhytomyr !

If you require a comfort class car, a business class car, or a VIP class car, please contact us in advance for a price quote of transfer from Chisinau to Zhytomyr by a desired vehicle.

When ordering transfer from Chisinau to Zhytomyr by minivan or minibus, please make sure you let us know how many people are coming, and how much luggage you have, in order to secure just the right minivan or minibus for you. If your group consists of more than 18 people, please contact us in advance for a price quote of transfer from Chisinau to Zhytomyr by bus.

Should you have any questions regarding transfers from Chisinau, intercity taxi service throughout Moldova, or just anything else we might be of help to you, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime at the most convenient way.