Quick Booking Transfer in Odessa and anywhere in Ukraine and in Moldova

If you wish to book an intercity taxi service or an international taxi service NOT from the airport, train station or bus station, please fill in the intercity taxi booking form.

To book transfer service as quickly as possible, please fill in the form below. However, if you have an extra minute, please fill in a more detailed booking form so we can serve you the best way possible.

Should you have any further questions, or require any help, assistance or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime.

Your Name *
Mobile Phone (including country code) *
E-mail (for confirmation) *
Number of Passengers *
Date of arrival or departure DD / MM / YEAR
Time of arrival or departure HH / MM
Flight number / Train, Bus number
Arriving from / Departing to *
Your Destination, or Pickup Address
If Departing, When Should We Pick You Up HH / MM
Type of car
Transfer type
Discount Code
Agree with terms and conditions *
Other details
(If you arrive or depart by train, by bus, or by other transport, please specify all details in this field. Any other details we need to know to serve you the best way possible are welcome.)