Taxi from Odessa to Nikolaev for ONLY 149 EUR


Taxi from Odessa to Nikolaev (also is called Mykolaiv from Ukrainian transliteration) with an English speaking driver is an extremely popular route which a lot of tourists order from Odessa Transfers Group.

Odessa International Airport is the closest to Nikolaev, thus the cheapest and fastest way to get to Nikolaev is to arrive by plane to Odessa International Airport, and book a taxi from Odessa to Nikolaev.

Price for individual transfer from Odessa International Airport to any address in Nikolaev for example by Hyundai Accent 2020 year is ONLY 149 EUR).

Taxi Odessa to Mykolaiv You don't pay anything at the time of booking !
Agreed price can be paid to driver in Nikolaev !
Please book taxi from Odessa to Nikolaev in advance !
Alternatively, contact us anytime for more info

Please Watch Video Testimonials or read reviews from our happy clients!

If you require a comfortable spacious minivan like Mercedes Vito, or Mercedes Viano cost of transfer by minivan is ONLY 219 EUR).

Distance between Odessa Airport and Nikolaev is approximately 160 km or 97 miles. Depending on the day arrival or departure - your trip will take about 2 - 2.5 hours by taxi from Odessa to Nikolaev.

If you have any further questions, or need transfer by a minibus, business class car, VIP car maybe by a posh limo, or a big bus feel free to contact us anytime .